The Project
Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci
The “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” project is to build a Network that involves, intertwines and makes the places (cities, nations) participate where Leonardo himself lived, where his works are found today and where activities related to him are carried out, as well as all those (associations, entities, people) who today work in the field of innovation, territory, school, art and tourism from the point of view of the Universal Genius.
Leonardo's life is a Network
The life of Leonardo, with his travels, and his contacts, starting from Vinci until he died in France, constitutes in itself a great Network. Leonardo also shows in various drawings his particular interest in Europe, but also towards the East (Asia and Africa), in particular towards Armenia, Libya, and Egypt and even promises a journey towards India.
In Italy, there are over 100 Leonardian cities, and places, that are linked in some way to the great genius. Each city collects a passage in his life, including drawings, fortifications, activities carried out, workshops, meetings with scholars of the time, the foundation of his Academia, projects for the draining of the swamp.
His works are a Network
His works can be found today in 15 countries. The history of his drawings, at least half of which have been lost or not yet reached us, is moreover symptomatic of their diffusion in various countries and the different changes of ownership. Besides Italy and France, the countries involved are Austria, Vatican City, Germany, England, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary and even the USA.
A New Humanism
Leonardo's drawing of Human Proportions is a universal symbol for the new Humanism, to make the values of the past current in the present and in the prospects of planning the future in the spirit of the European Union.