About us

The history of the International Association
The International Association “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” was established the May 27 2021 with the presence of 5 Founding Members (Municipality of Vinci, Municipality of Amboise, Municipality of Vipava, Association Philosophie, Culture, Art et Science d’Istanbul, Italian Association for “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” Insieme Da Vinci) belonging to 4 nations ( Italy, France, Slovenia and Turkey), but intends to expand to 360°.
On 29 September 2021, the Metropolitan City of Florence joins it.
On 12 and 13 November 2021 the 1st International meeting takes place in Vinci, at the headquarters of the Association. On 6 and 7 May 2022 the 2nd International Meeting takes place in Amboise, at the Municipality of Amboise.
On 22 November 2022, the Union of Municipalities of Savio Valley (Cesena) adhered to “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” -
Project of people
The International Association is led by a Board of Directors, made up of 12 Members, and has a Director, a Coordinator of the Historical Scientific Committee, a Consultant for the presentation of the Dossier to the Luxembourg Agency and a Project Coordinator ..
The Association avails itself of an International Historical Scientific Committee.

The organizational structure
The Team and the organizational structure of the International Association “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” is made up of 5 Founding Members, belonging to 4 nations, and is as follows:
- Daniele Vanni (Major of Vinci);
- Brice Ravier (Major of Amboise);
- Goran Kodelja (Mayor of Vipava);
- Mustafa Tolay (Vice President of the Philosophy, Culture, Art and Science Association of Istanbul);
- Silvano Guerrini (President of the Italian Association for “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” Insieme Da Vinci).
- Daniele Vanni (Vinci), President;
- Brice Ravier (Amboise), Vice President
- Silvano Guerrini (Vinci), Secretary;
- Antonio Lelli (Vinci), Treasurer;
- Anton Lavrenčič (Vipava);
- Mustafa Tolay (Istanbul);
- Myriam Santacana (Amboise);
- Onur Kutnak (Istanbul);
- Sandro Fallani (Florence);
- Letizia Perini (Florence);
- Franco Pollini (Cesena);
- Iris Skočaj (Vipava).
- Buse Akgun (Istanbul), Director;
- Alessandro Vezzosi (Vinci), Coordinator of the Historical Scientific Committee;
- Alberto D’Alessandro (Viareggio), European Consultant;
- Emanuela Ferretti (Vinci), Consultant for the Dossier;
- Antonio Cinelli (Vinci), Project Coordinator.
- David Bayraktar (Spain), Innovation
- Rajko Bajc (Slovenia), Territory;
- Paolo Guglielmi (Turchia), School;
- Mario Costanzi (Italia), Art;
- Yves Aguiton (Francia) Turismo.
- Alessandro Vezzosi – Coordinator of the Historical Scientific Committee; Founder of the Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci; Director of Leonardo Da Vinci Heritage and of the Leonardism Archives (Vinci);
- Cristina Acidini – President of Casa Buonarroti Foundation, Roberto Longhi Foundation for Art History Studies, Academy of Drawing Arts, The Opera di Santa Croce (Florence);
- Marco Acri – Senior Lecturer at the University of Nova Gorica; Coordinator of the “Cultural heritage Studies” doctoral program; Lecturer at the University of Bologna at the Ravenna Campus; Visiting Fellow for research activities at the University of Padua
- Roberto Antonelli – President of the National Accademy of the Lincei (Rome);
- Roberta Barsanti – Director of the Leonardian Library and the Leonardian Museum of Vinci;
- Pascal Brioist – Professeur d’Histoire Moderne, Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, Université François Rabelais de Tours;
- Saša Dobričić – Director of the Doctoral study program in Cultural Heritage Studies – Joint 2nd level Master with IUAV University of Venice Economics and Tecniques for the Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage, University of Nova Gorica;
- Claudio Giorgione – Curator of the “Leonardo, Art and Science” Department at the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology (Milan);
- Kiymet Giray – Faculty of Languages, History and Geography of the University of Ankara;
- Barbara Jatta – Director of the Vatican Museums;
- Domenico Laurenza – Associate Professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Cagliari; Scientific consultant of Schroeder Arts Consulting, New York and Watermark Estate Management Services, Kirkland, and of the Galileo Museum-Institute and Museum of the History of Science (Florence);
- Pietro C. Marani – Full Professor of History of Modern Art, Milan Polytechnic; President of the Vinci Collection Authority(Milano);
- Alessandro Mariani – Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy, University of Florence, Former Rector of the I.U.L. (Italian University Line);
- Marc Metay – Director of the Royal Château of Amboise; Secretary-General of the Saint Louis Foundation;
- Pino Montalti – Curator of the “Leonardo da Vinci and Romagna” project (Cesena);
- Enrica Pagella – Director of the Royal Museums of Turin;
- Sergio Risaliti – Director of the Museo Novecento in Florence; Artistic Director and Scientific Coordinator for the organization and curation of temporary exhibitions in the city and cultural events;
- François Saint Bris –President of Clos Lucé – Leonardo da Vinci Park (Amboise);
- Claudio A.M. Salsi – Superintendent of the Sforzesco Castle, Archaeological Museums and Historical Museums of the Municipality of Milan; President of the Scientific Committee of the restoration project of the Sala delle Asse; Lecturer at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan;
- Jean-Louis Sureau – Knight of the Legion of Honor under the Ministry of Culture and Communication, former Director of the Royal Castle of Amboise;
- Carlo Vecce – Full Professor of Italian Literature, "L’Orientale" University of Naples; member of the Vinci Commission;
- Marino Viganò – Director of the Trivulzio Foundation in Milan; Scholar of the relationships between Leonardo, Lombardy and Switzerland in the early Renaissance;
A Project in progress
The International Association “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci” is currently working on the presentation of the Dossier for the recognition of the European Cultural Itinerary by the Council of Europe, carrying out network activities between the different nations in 5 fields of intervention (Innovation, Territory, School, Art, and Tourism) and expanding membership of the Project to other partners.
The Project was born in Vinci, thanks first to the Organizing Committee “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci Cultural Itinerary”, and then to the Italian Association “Le Vie di Leonardo Da Vinci – Insieme Da Vinci TSO”.